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Program Schedule


None of the films have been rated, and may contain

material for mature audiences. Viewer discretion is

advised.  Not recommended for children or for

those who are easily offended.




11:45am - DOORS OPEN

Noon - BLOCK-1   Run time approx 45 minutes

"Imitation" - Dir. by Joshua Bowen and Liam Gainer

"The SkunkApe" - Directed by Renee Jordan

"Bigfoot Bros" - Directed by Austin Griffin

"Reach Out" - Directed by Gio Oosthusen

"Getting Through" - Directed by Mason Beck

"Brawl" - Directed by Casey Glazer

"The Honey War" -  Directed by Dick DeAngelis

Brief filmmaker Q&A - Award presentation.

1:00pm  -  BLOCK-2    Run time approx 45 minutes

"Plastic Pollution" - Directed by Brian Hall

"Broadcast" - Directed by Jeff Paschal

"Kurt Got Hurt" - Directed by Greg St. Pierre

"The Hitmen (trailer)" - Directed by Anthony N. Galizia Sr.

"Vanished in Ohio" - Dir. by B.R.Tatalovic and Deborah Ochwat

"Specimen 7" - Directed by Olivia Rosello Mercurio

Brief filmmaker Q&A - Award presentation

2:00pm - BLOCK-3    Run time approx 45 minutes

"Reginald The Flying Llama" - Dir. by Lauren Richmond

"The One You Want" - Directed by Bryan T Bostic

"Road Friend" - Directed by Aleksei Borovikov

"Pins And Needles" - Directed by Kyle Marra

"Cameras Rolling (trailer)" - Dir. By Laura Poindexter

"Birthday Party" - Dir. by Dale Metz and Sarah Lee Dobbs

Brief filmmaker Q&A - Award presentation.

3:00pm - BLOCK-4   Run time approx 45 minutes

"Choose Life" - Directed by William Youngquist

"Her Motive" - Directed by Kyle Stocking

"Stick To Manual" - Directed by Christian Antonini and Tanice Arnold

"Dual Enrollment" - Directed by Isaac Alongi and Victoria Sheehan

"Marriage Fit" - Directed by Rob DiNinni and Jeffrey Palmer

"VooDooSH-Some Heroes" - Dir. by Sergio Mishchenko

Brief filmmaker Q&A - Award presentation.

4:00pm - BLOCK-5      Run time approx 25 min.

"Ghosts Don't Wear Name Tags" - Shot in Palm Bay





Copyright 2022 - 15 MINUTES OF FAME, Golden West Films

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